Why You Need to Keep Up with Professional Car Details During the Australian Winter
During winter it is easy for drivers to neglect upkeep of their cars. With the often freezing temperatures, many are reluctant to brave the cold for a car wash — and understandably so. However, with Australia’s winter weather, the need to do so is all the more necessary. So what’s the problem with a little rain, cold temperatures and salty fog clouds?
From deterioration of your vehicle’s exterior to cracking leather of your car’s interior, there are countless implications that the cooler season can present; making it all the more necessary for drivers to put in the effort of ensuring their vehicle remains in optimal condition throughout the winter.
How Australia’s Winter Weather Affects Your Car
Acid Rain: At a glance, your car looks fine after rain. However in actuality the rain is doing some serious damage. Here’s why: Rain picks up pollutants as it falls, which results in acid rain. These pollutants sit on your paint and can erode the clear coat and cause discolouration.
Salty air: In the colder Australian climates, many drivers may experience low hanging fog whether outside their house or in the middle of a drive. Although seemingly harmless, this fog can in actuality cause rust and corrosion issues all over your car’s exterior.
Colder Temperatures. With winter comes cold temperatures. The decrease in temperature can dry out leather surfaces of your vehicle’s interior, causing cracking, fading and other problems.
Muddy carpets: During the winter where wet conditions are the norm and wet shoes are common, mud is oftentimes tracked onto your car’s carpet unknowingly. This problem often goes unnoticed and if not properly treated, can lock tough stains into the carpets that are difficult to remove.
Car Detailing Solutions to Protect Your Car All Winter Long
So as a car owner, what can you do during this winter to ensure that your car’s surface stays protected and interior looking fresh?
Car Waxes: Automotive wax creates a layer of protection on top of the paint. This protects against salty air and acid rain. Buffing out the wax can also reverse discolouration and rain spotting.
Leather Conditioning: When temperatures drop into the teens, leather seats and interior accents start to lose moisture to the dry air. Proper conditioning locks moisture into leather seats and surfaces and keeps them looking brand new.
Proper Car Washing: A through weekly or monthly car wash will ensure salt is washed away from your car’s exterior.
Wheel Cleaning: Your wheels take a beating in winter. Debris and salt on the road can cause tough stains and corrosion in your wheels. Typically, wheel cleaning is part of most Car Care auto detailing packages.
Paint Sealants: Sealants are recommended about every 6 months, and if you haven’t had one in a while, it’s a great service to consider before winter weather sets in. Sealants create a strong layer on top of the paint, which prevent road salts, pollutants and debris from penetrating.
This winter doesn’t neglect car washes. Call Awash. Our car detailing professionals make house calls all across Sydney.