Headlight Car Care Tips
Why are headlights so important?
Aside from being an indicator of good care, the headlights on your car is without a doubt one of the most important parts of your vehicle as they act as the first line of defence between your car and an obstacle. If drivers are unable to properly identify obstacles n the road, whether it is an animal or large piece of debris, it can pose a safety hazard to both the drivers and their passengers.
Choosing the appropriate headlights
Owners need to understand that in accordance to the time of year, there will be different options that could offer benefits over others. For instance, during darker periods throughout the year such as winter where the sky dims earlier, there are lightbulb setups that offer brighter down road visibility, giving drivers a longer time to react, or a setup that has a whiter light which improves contrast and helps drivers distinguish objects on the side of the road better than basic headlights.
Knowing about all the different advantages and disadvantages that these bulb setups offer in relation to factors like: time of year, geographic location, weather patterns, frequency of driving just to name a few, is important to keep your vehicle’s first and most important line of defence in an optimal set-up throughout the year.
Installing bulbs, should you do it yourself?
Although replacing the car’s headlight bulbs may initially seem like a difficult task to do, in truth it is quite simple, and doesn’t even require a mechanic or service professional. In fact, there are countless online guides and videos that can help consumers swap out their headlights in just minutes without much confusion. Even without the help of online guides, you can actually look at vehicle’s owner manual for bulb/headlight replacement procedures along with other details such as needed tools and safety precautions.
Also, while replacing the headlights/bulbs, you want to always replace them in sets of two. The reason being is that because headlights dim gradually, by having a fresh bulb together with one that has already been use for a while, can cause an uneven line of vision. This can be a major distraction on the road for both the driver and oncoming traffic.