Automatic Car Wash vs Manual
The popularity of automatic car ashes stem from their convenience and low cost. But what are the implications and side effects, and how do these influence whether or not a driver should choose to go manual or automatic? Let’s take a look.
Risks and benefits of an automatic car wash
Automated car washes can be safer for your vehicle finish than washing your car by yourself, as it is consistent due to it being a set automated procedure.
A properly managed automatic car wash has the benefit of using plenty of high quality lubrication along with rotating brushes to safely and efficiently remove dirt, grease, dust and so on.
Risk: When lower quality and cheap chemicals are used for the automated car washes, no matter how well designed the machinery is, it is likely that you will still see poor and inferior results.
Risks and benefits of professional hand washing
Professional hand washing done manually by experts will always have the advantage of having human care place into it. While even the best machinery can be designed absolute attention to detail, there will always be a degree of humanity and care that it simply would not be able to replicate.
Risk: The chance of a mistake is higher as opposed to when done by a computer system. From applying the wrong soaps to skimping out on certain parts of the process.
Which one is more appropriate for you?
Automated washing and manual both have advantages and disadvantages that can be better for different situations.
One example of this would be, when a human car washer is cleaning the car, they will be doing it with care and love — a passion to provide the highest quality clean for a fellow driver, and so while human error may have a potential effect on the car wash, as long as the washer maintains a professional attitude, understanding and attention to detail, they will be able to alter their processes accordingly when a mistake is made.
A machine on the other hand, in place of putting care and thought into each little action, will have a greater degree of efficiency and accuracy due to the process being entirely programmed in a way that ensures the highest level of success with the most efficient use of resources (time, products, energy). The downside to this however, is that should something malfunction or work slightly off as intended, the machine itself will not be able to correct itself, and if it goes unnoticed, can lead to serious damage, especially in the case of an extreme malfunction i.e. rotating brushes may suddenly start rotating much too roughly and hard, leading to noticeable swirl marks and severe scratching of the windows.
As you can see, in the situation, both options are not entirely overshadowing one another. At the end of the day, it falls down to your preference and financial situation.